This new organ will provide our congregation with the breadth and depth of expressive content that we have never heard in this church before. With a new organ we are also better positioned for greater community outreach in the form of concerts, recitals, weddings, memorial services, and educational events, and hope it is one way we can grow our church and minister to PPC and our local community through music. It is a major contribution to PPC’s music ministry program and an enduring gift of music to the Glory of God.
$187,425 covers installation of the Organ Console, Audio System, Speakers, Training for the Organist, and 10-year warranty. The additional estimated $100,000 will pay for the following: Electrical wiring upgrades for a dedicated organ circuit, chairs for the sanctuary choir, flooring renovations to the new choir/organ area, potential lighting upgrade, the possible addition of a pew rail to separate the choir from the congregation, and modular platforms for the choir to be raised and for flexible musical offerings.